Information - Local heating Barl

Customer acquisition is underway, request a quote and return contracts now!!!!

The Kreiswerke Cochem-Zell ask all customers who have already received a heat supply contract to sign and return it in duplicate by 15.08.2023 at the latest or alternatively hand it in to the town mayor Hans-Peter Döpgen, Amselweg 2!!!

The offers for potential new customers are currently being processed by the Kreiswerke. New customers still have the opportunity to request a non-binding offer from Kreiswerke Cochem-Zell via the following link:

At the same time, the form for the offer can also be requested by or by telephone (02671/61-681).

The citizens' consultation hours held so far have been very well received by the citizens. Customers who have not yet been able to attend a citizens' consultation hour can contact the indicated contacts if they have any questions before signing the contract.

The ongoing monthly costs for local heating are currently between €160 and €240, depending on the connection capacity and the required heat demand. In addition, a one-off flat-rate house connection fee of € 8,200 has to be paid. Local heating thus offers a climate-friendly and economically attractive supply alternative in the long term and also a high degree of supply security and independence.

On the part of the town of Zell, it is very pleasing that after the termination of the project due to the crisis, a continuation of the project is now possible and that an attractive offer can be made. The implementation of a local heating network is a unique opportunity for Zell-Barl, it is forward-looking and will have a very positive effect on the further development of our high city district. However, this can only succeed if the broad support that existed in the population at the beginning of the project is maintained. Every single person counts! We have it in our own hands to realise this project together!

Your Mayor, Hans-Peter Döpgen