The library of Zell (Mosel)

Welcome to the public library of Zell (Mosel)

Library? There are only old hams there. Incorrect! We offer you the latest bestsellers, novels, thrillers, children's and young people's books, current guides, travel guides, cookbooks and much more to borrow. Magazines, audio books, CD-ROMs and DVDs are also in stock.

Today's children don't read anymore! Incorrect! We whet your appetite for reading and try to keep in touch with the kindergartens and schools around Zell. We are happy to put together boxes of books on specific topics or for reading nights for school classes. Class tours are carried out by telephone arrangement. There is an opportunity to work together on project days and the like.

How do I log on? Reading pleasure does not have to be expensive! Register for free at the Zell public library and choose from around 5,000 media - simple and uncomplicated! On your next visit, fill out a registration form for us and receive your library card. The signature of a legal guardian is required for the registration of children and young people under the age of 18.

Team, Opening hours & Information

You will find the library on the first floor of Zell's town hall.

Our team will be happy to help and advise you: Anne Barz, Martina Hillesheim, Anne Muders, Marlene Scheid

Opening hours:
Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 15:00 - 17:30
(also during holidays)

Tel.: 06542 – 96 96 33 (during opening hours)

We will be happy to reserve books for you and will notify you immediately by email when the title you want is available for loan.

Order books from the library

Of course you can look around in our library and borrow your favorites on site. You can also use the "bibkat" app to select and order books from the Zell (Mosel) public library.

Or simply send us an email. The e-mail button opens via the following button:

Reading Meetings

A reading meeting takes place at regular intervals in the Zell public library, for which you can register at any time by telephone or e-mail.

Our team will be happy to inform you about the next dates and the books that will be discussed. Just give us a call on 06542 – 96 96 33 or send us an email:


Sign up and start reading! Those who register for the reading summer can borrow and read current children's and young people's books exclusively and free of charge. The participants rate the books they have read or answer questions about the book. For every book read there is a stamp on the club card. Anyone who reads at least three books will receive a certificate.

In 2022 the READING SUMMER starts for the first time, which takes place at the same time as the READING SUMMER Rhineland-Palatinate. As the name suggests, the READING SUMMER is all about reading aloud: Anyone who has three books read to them and hands in a self-painted picture to the library will receive a certificate and have the chance to win great prizes. All day-care center children can take part in the READING SUMMER with their respective favorite readers (regardless of whether it is mom or dad, grandma or grandpa, big brother, the reading godfather from kindergarten,...).